Friday, February 7, 2014

Oedipus Essay Topics

DIRECTIONS: Choose unrivaled of the topics listed below, or develop one of your own, and brush aside a line a well-organized raise analyzing how that topic is intercommunicate in Oedipus Rex. Your essay should include abridgment of what Sophocles says and how he says it, with particular(prenominal) quotations from the text. Remember that quotations moldiness be in quotation attach and must not be hanging (standing alone) without explanatory language. let in page event in p arnthesis. in general you volition be analyzing how this play reflects cosmopolitan themes, lessons applicable in all times and places. You may paying attention to analyze Sophocles times with the present day, to highlight similarities or differences. If so, engross item modern examples to illustrate, in addition to text references. Be for certain to give your essay an original title. Length should be 2-5 pages. doable TOPICS: a. FateDo we make our own, or are we playthings of the gods? Does the classical view of this question differ from our modern ideas? If so, how? b. cecity in that location are none so blind as those who will not see. c. ArroganceIs too much self-consciousness a bad thing? d. TemperDoes a all of a sudden fuse blow up in ones own face? e. Crime and PunishmentDid the punishments of Jocasta and Oedipus last the crimes? Clearly, well-nigh of these topics will mainly involve a fibre analysis of Oedipus himself, though several might be high hat demonstrable through contrasts with other characters such as Creon (c & d) or Tiresias (b). Topics a and e would also involve analysis of Jocastas actions. light upon Organizational Concepts IntroductionOpening of your essay. Usually uses a schema to gain readers interest (a quotation, a definition, an anecdote, questions, startling statements), followed by the thesis. In a literary essay like this one, if you foott think of another way to start, begin any with a k! ey word or with the authors name. Include title and author in the intro paragraph. Thesis...If you pauperism to draw off a full essay, order it on our website:

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