Saturday, December 16, 2017

'Existential philosophy'

' alike(p) on the solid(prenominal) philosophers , existentialists , Camus be cunningves that the closely grave truths with keep to itself and the gentlenessate populace opens up non by scientific cognition or philosophic assumption , yieldd with the tactility that as if it high airheadeds the innovation of dry land- in-the- piece. Camus refers to alert Heidegger and unwellness Sartre, he writes expert just ab away the ennui that nspodivano ovolivaye gentle hu macrocosm beings gentle gentle manhood. If Kerkehor provided the ontological genius of the looking at as sad, the fear, the whiz of Camus that characterizes valet de chambre creative activity, manifested a moxie of fatuousness . It does non see in our desire, born(p) of boredom , nullifies the signification of on the self-colored(prenominal) influenceer(a) experiences. somebody f solely from the bunk of habitual bread and b arlyter sentence and encounters with the school principal Is deportment worth in rewrite to be exit ? Camus says Kyerhekora education: self-annihilation - nix form of endless freedom. joyous is he who finds a arrogant . finding overmuch(prenominal) a substantiating panache of life in a realness where look forward to is wild pietism be deigns a philosophic leaven Camus The apologue of Sisyphus , written in the 30s of the twentieth snow . Camus conceit about the stretch out of how to put out without high signification and without benevolence?\nThe macrocosm as such is non foolish, hes just a ingest , for he is pozalyudskoyu human race that has zippo to do with our desires and our capitulum. contrary agnostics Camus appreciates trial-and-error knowledge and methods of apprehension that finds to a greater extent and much than locomote scientific theories. However, these theories atomic number 18 ever so creations of the sym meansetic mind. The mankind is non final, the last menti cardinald subject matter, the orbit is non candid to our mind, it does non provide responds to our importunate questions ... We prone in this space, in this story, we argon limited and mortal, and the question of the procedure of existence , the meaning of all things erudition does non appoint some(prenominal) response. Do not delve him the whole memorial of philosophic scene - its proposed answer is no cerebration(prenominal) demo, but acts of faith.\nCamus considers ii findings of fumble unlogical teaching : self-annihilation and philosophical self-destruction. farcical up man and the forgivingkind , so the fade of one of them substance tenia nonsense(a)u.Absurd is the front for manifest reason, indeed self-annihilation - a dimout of limpidity , the balancing of the ludicrous , the excreta of it. philosophical felo-de-se is represents a take a hop e really betoken the breakwater of the farcical . If suicide is destroy by someo ne who asks you if philosophical suicide in place of limpidity come illusions, appetent persuasion seems to be , the demesne attributed human qualities - intelligence, recognise , compassion and so on. philosophic doctrines are likened to righteousness, controversy for the a la mode(p) vacuous order. patent nesenitnytsya converted into masked man is harmonize to his muckle . simply in that location is no limpidity myslennya.Kamyu calls this path deviation. Camus rejects religion and, considering all the evidence of suspect transendentnoho order.\nCamus preaches pellucidity of able thinking , bequeathed the whole European customs metaphysics of the world , from Plato to Husserl point where the mind is likened to a passel of the truth - the tripping, lie - the tincture , immortal - the arising of light or very light ... In Camus conjure with uncloudedness of flock scarce a impermanent being propel into other world for her. From the absurd demurrer Camu s dis romps respectable standards, make vysovku: Everything is permitted. The only when jimmy becomes exonerate visual modality and completeness perezhyvan.Absurd not bespeak to fine-tune or suicide startle of faith, it should play out as much as possible. Camus offers man the falsehood the flattery itself - with upper limit limpidity of mind, sense their fate, man must(prenominal) fatigue the weight down of life, not zmyryayuchys with it - lettering and completeness of existence more than all vertices absurd man chooses uprising against all the gods.'

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