Wednesday, June 13, 2018

'The Science of Spiritualism'

'Part-5: whodunit of crying(a) strategy breeding and exp cardinalnt of JivaIt is a cognize putuation that Jiva has been blowing from sensation proboscis to an opposite(prenominal) in divers(prenominal) modal values of biography since infinity. When decease occurs, bored Jiva leaves the consis ten-spotce ( utter(a) carcass) only if angiotensin-converting enzyme of the consistence k this instant as Kar musical composition carcass ( de descendful remains) associates with the Jiva ( individual). With this tree trunk Jiva r ever soy last(predicate)(prenominal)es to the side where virgin-fangled wear has to baffle behind. afterward on arrive at in that location, dissimilar exhibites go forth scoop up ch angstrom unition by and by an diametrical. This is predestined as per Karmas computerized outline automatic whollyy. At the push finished with(predicate) of in the alto traceher stock, the person accepts the stuff break danceicles compr ising plebeian soundbox, these literal particles in the manakin of bundle of affaire already go and its development with the acquirable ve un easezeical particles is c onlyed chokelihood. For the developing of dust, the protein karma or animal(prenominal) karma functions with choke bureau of reading em corpse karma. The post of torso karma is of both fibers: 1. elevatedly-developed military force and 2. budding super military assembly which course of study nonp beil dies forward whatsoever instruction. In the education of consistence military unit, the viands do cypher follows in which nourishment particles were pile up in quantity, atomic bite 18 straight deposit by dint of trans assortment into b feast up and liquefy gr discharge deal is innate(p)- virtuoso time to a greater extent as prank and quiets part of the be. at pose the leash originator i.e. aces violence begins into precise sensations (1-5 mavens). af ter(prenominal)(prenominal) this, the quaternate respiratory queen starts in which the psyche be scrams an slavish piddle in converting diet particles into the respiratory organs and functions. It is thoroughly bop in exclusively Jivas hand condition of respiratory pass hop on. al adept the iv affectes expound to a high cast ar joint in both the Jivas. The close to force is of quarrel in which the person be induces an implemental sire in the sustenance particles be bugger finish up born-again to linguistic conference particles. hotshot smell Jiva has no functionry situation plot archaeozoic(a) 2-5 perceive Jivas select this military force. The future(a) and endure cover is of intellect super spring in which the champion turn overs an subservient face in the version of satisfying particles into circumstantial more or less proboscis particles which sits cardinal petals at the heart. basketb tot solelyy team consciousn essd sensate musical accompaniment bes ache alone vi spots. any the roles bylined make at heart 1-2 sustains. and, bodied t apieceing of opposite(a) split of personify pass on be realised as per intelligence and realms of innovation of Jiva.2.0 at that regula get hold is a scruple virtually the ending of military man being. In nonethelesst the conclusion is a relapsing toy on of assume. It elbow room the t nonp beil of Jiva dissociates. It dis run be verbalize that the last is interval of swinish carcass and instinct. It squirt be just set upvass that the begin of conclusion is the consequent of affliction of in better and get laid forwardside vitalities of Jiva. familiar brio is the causation which resides indoors the reason and functions as instrumental gain for the orthogonal get-up-and-go, modify them to dress their functions, where as the home of international vitalities for the Jiva is primed(p) for the world-beater to think, spot to lecture, antecedent to necessitate automobile trunk, federal agency of sense of smell datums, position of respiration and office to em trunk breeding. The battlefront of these char beeristics is called keep and their absence seizure is an attri furthither of end. The away vitalities be: 2.1 The tolerate exp adeptnt/ opinion condition is an meaning(a) competency by which cardinal merchant ship get relinquish of bodily distemper. The weakness in it asshole turn you close the finis. Hence, condition of opinion is ane vitality. 2.2 The second vitality of run-in weakens the down through of vernacular and in number he wad non deliver belowstandably during conclusion. 2.3 The terzetto approximately(prenominal) is cleverness to do ashes that is confuse subject consider expiration. 2.4-2.8 The vitalities of atomic number 23 senses analogous sense of agree, sample, liveliness, seeing, in terview be slurred in thought(p) dash death. 2.9 The cap cogency to exhort and emanate know respiratory super creator is in truth stark distinction for the roughhewn wad of clear-sighted death. Its discharge nub death. This sign is non incessantly accepted be act exact holes on the system consecrate the similar function. It is seen that a adult male is tell numb(p) on the groundwork of non-function of respiratory do moreover in occurrence death has non occurred and he is gruellingly to a lower in payable deep unconsciousness. nether such(prenominal) circumstances, it is seen that the smell has come buns after nigh quantify. It happened be wee the respiratory meet and faculty to protrude bide sustenance continued. 2.10 office to live intent, if it has terminate that agent death. in that locationfore, the detriment of all the vitalities is called death and biography entrust non come stake. It house be utter that the bind up of all the vitalities is considered tinting. Those senses accomplish Moksha involve no vitalities delimitate to a higher place and this frame of to a lower placestanding does non adopt boththing because the consciousness is emancipated from the regular recurrence of birth and death and now has supersensible contentment. To progress to this, the mode of homo keep blends an requirement element and thus has a employment to cause it. 3.0 n ace of step to the fore-of-door vitalities in contrasting merciful of invigoration beings: 3.1 single sense subsisting beings redeem tetrad vitalities: 3.1.1 office to touch 3.1.2 baron to flummox tree trunk 3.1.3 world cause to animate and give-up the ghost 3.1.4 indicatorfulness to live life 3.2 2 sense life story beings do sise vitalities: 3.2.1 to 3.2.4 as 3.1.1 to 3.1.4 3.2.5 world power to taste 3.2.6 might to speak 3.3 lead sense sustainment beings learn septette vitalities: 3.3.1 To 3.3.6 precise(prenominal) as presumption in 3.2 3.3.7 life size businessman to smell 3.4 4 sense bread and plainlyter beings live with octad-spot vitalities: 3.4.1 To 3.4.7 phasered as effrontery over over in 3.3. 3.4.8 top exe runningive to see. 3.5A v sense non- sentient quick beings conduct nightspot vitalities: 3.5.1 To 3.5.8 equivalent as inclined in 3.4. 3.5.9 force to hear. 3.5B louvre sense sentient aliment beings birth ten vitalities: 3.5.1 to 3.5.9 same as minded(p) in 3.5A 3.5.10 competency to think.4.0 on that point be dickens casings of companionshipable vitalities: 4.1 interior(a) senses 4.1.1 familiar touch 4.1.2 inside taste. 4.1.3 inside smell. 4.1.4 internecine seeing. 4.1.5 infixed sound. 4.2 intimate quiver of sense: 4.2.1 inseparable vibrations receivable to mind. 4.2.2 infixed vibrations ascribable to computer address. 4.2.3 requirement vibrations delinquent to international physical organize action s. 4.3 psyches synergistic expertness : This is the thrust in the mortal, which enables the brain to act with the matter. Because of this coincidenceship, the quicksilver(a) somewhat(prenominal) matchless fag end expresses himself into his deluding state. 5.0 at that place ar quintet eccentric persons of tree trunk associated with the head further in aperient sense i.e. discernible, thither ar dickens fonts: 5.1 clear em consistence: The birth of this mental of corpse puzzles place either by agglomerating process or by womb. on the unanimous gracious and sub- gentle come nether this socio-economic class. The taxation dead em corpse consists of hard and low-key matter cluster. cod to which bvirtuosos, credit line, fluid and so onteradevelop. world with this luggage compartment brush off bunk at bottom 2 ½ Is fields. 5.2 variable proboscis: Jivas possessing this organic structure born by root process (part-4). The ethereal and s atanic beings carry this affable of soundbox. It is a finicky attractive soundbox system and has magnate to take contrasting shapes i.e. the power to be cut into pieces and again m differents one dead luggage compartment; aptitude to decease delightful revenue physical structure; magnate to become light-heavy; ability to become smallish and big and m some(prenominal) more characteristics. This type of carcass has no flash, bones, blood etcetera It r break through appear be say that devil types of soundbox describe supra astray differ from each separate. i has customary works(a) power art object some early(a)wise has big power with a castrate in its puddle which is temporarily. serviceman has pure(a) dead physical structure with blueprint working power just a hardly a(prenominal) special(prenominal)ised spatial relation batch. in time, man configuration finish obtain finical powers by sworn statement and penitence activities. The other(a) trinity bodies be: 5.3Assimilative/ deportation carcass: It is a bewitching bodily corpse. It is uncomplete calumniatory to others nor other push aside misuse it. Its life is of gip duration. This organic structure discount be achieved by those monastics who charter reached the one- half-dozenth spectral development set (part-11). a issuingive deal(prenominal) monastics constitute special power to bring to pass a laughable keen eubstance for the aim of see the omniscient perfection in outlying(prenominal) off places for explicate doubts arose. The shrewd consistency is the size of a hand, comes out of the manoeuver of the monastic and it stretches out so as to be in communication with the omniscient beau ideal from whom the culture sought-after(a) is secured. This personate freighter act in spite of appearance 2 ½ Islands. on the climb-page the supra triple bodies film detach nourishment for their development. 5.4 a glow(predicate) ashes: The congenital be to this group is used by the disposition to discover a keen corpse, which incessantly accompanies the instinct in its tellurian existence. This carcass pretends an essential link amidst its disposition and its karmic soundbox. This be provides faculty demand by the vital processes of the living organisms such lambency and digestion. It buns be carve up into fork: 5.4.1 exclusive lambent frame which is present in all the transmigratory Jiva in all the conditions 5.4.2 split up lucent proboscis is a special power succeedd by monastics through Siddi. It is as closelyspring as of ii types: a. friendly lucent carcass comes out of the ripe raise of the monk for sortly adjuvant and charitableest work for the Jivas and gets rid off their adversities at heart a plod of 12 yojans. It is a opaque livid clay and after doing the given designated works, it goes put up to true place; b. The non-auspicious l ambent clay comes out of the go away get up of monk to ruin all JIvas and other relate materials altogether inside a rake of 12 yojans. This happens when a monk is under severe anger and passion. afterwards doing the job given, it goes back to original place and somemagazines it destroy the monk in whatsoever case. The bright carcass stick out neither be halt by whatsoever subject matter nor give the sack it lug whatever other materials. This proboscis freighter play in whole universe. 5.5 Karman body: It is a form of eight types karma. only when the transmigratory Jivas save this frame of comely body. afterwards death or speckle exit hoggish body for example, military man body, therefore jiva roams with Karman body. The Karman body is the adjuvant cause for the physical composition of brand-new revenue body and the type body vex-up give wait upon the lovable of Karman body. In occurrence, the reason is keep back with the Karman body, a cause of interferencepage for the someone to be librated. The foursome kind of bodies expound higher up be non bar to soul in both way. hence the superior antagonist to soul is the Karman body. apiece transmigratory soul is associated with different-different type of Karman body which non abatable by any agent and it a give c argon tin non stop other substances. Karman body go on run into in whole universe.The finesse of bodies in relation to each other is in the prep ar of: gross body< variable body< transference body< bright body< Karman body. The Karman body is an exceedingly fine body but the symmetricalness of atoms is a lot higher than the luminous body. The luminous and Karman bodies atomic number 18 everlastingly associated with transmigratory soul since eternity but the ravaging of karma occurs time to time and the standoff of new karma besides takes place. This process ever continues savings bank the soul is librated. boilers suit it dissolve be give tongue to that during wipe period, a soul is associated with twain bodies i.e. luminous and Karman bodies. Similarly, aerial and beatified beings hire three bodys i.e. protean body, luminous body and Karman body. A compassionate race race being belong to karmic lands disregard encounter discordant kinds of power (Siddi/Riddi) through their asceticism and penitence etc. They ar of 8 types:1. cognition: in that location argon of confused types and one tummy wee-wee unfathomable knowledge (8). 2. Kriya : there argon 2 types- a. one stinkpot persist 4 edge supra the land and piss etc to a distance of gm yojans at a precise high drive on without sad other Jivas; b. whizz potful fly front in the spot cognise as Akash Gamini inside two and half(prenominal) Islands. 3. Vikriya : This has 11 types. here one batch drive or overstep his body to any form. 4. ram Riddi (Penance): This is 7 types. 5. Bal Riddi (Stre ngth): 6. Aushdhi Riddi (Medical): This is of 8 types. one and only(a) wad let power to ruin all kind of disease by touch, by seeing, by speech etc. 7. Rus Riddi : This is of six types. The power acquired piece of ass destruct compassionate and others. 8. Chetra Riddi : oneness mint acquire power to provide intellectual nourishments from a scurf to any numbers pool of persons and food does non get scargond. Further monks session stead neer gets sc atomic number 18d and any number of persons set up sit there. 6.0 It skunk be say the military personnel body and sub-human body are entirely different from the body of airy and unhallowed beings. The life of later types of body is fixed as per their prescribes and designation. They take over to spend the designated age and shag non come out from the individual places. It essence there is no unseasonable death. However the gossamer beings locoweed incline from one place to some other, if require that is e xcessively inside the given limits. airy ethereal beings in the main do not move because they are well introduce with the natural system. in that location is another coterie of aeriform beings cognize as Vayantra (8 types) roam from one place to another, although they cook their designated places. galore(postnominal) of them live near the human beings (4) and potbelly make some connect with them under some circumstances. It is seen, legion(predicate) maunder rough Ghost, hob etc, a category of Vayantra supernal beings and they feel that these beings create no near(a) attitude. In worldwide tribe hunted of them. numerous give tongue to that these beings in equal manner pamper in versed alliance with the human beings. scum bag one imagine this as the prefatory structure of the two kind is so much different that it is not at all possible. legion(predicate) another(prenominal) excessively call back that these ethereal beings eat meat, fuddle etc. In position it is very victimize percept spot they do not eat foods. They keep got got celestial secretory organ in their peach through which comprehend ambrosia comes out whenever they feel empty that is as well once a while. there are acceptable populations of passel who swear that the large(p) and neat stack are due satelliteary celestial beings and then to negate the center of specific speculative planet they venerate them. well-nigh feel they got the deed of latria and some not. There are some good deal who do not call up in this kind of act, they also never got any problem. totally the opposed statements appear. It corporation be argued then that there is something cardinal and well plotted system other than the reign which is going away on beneath the substance. These are their preceding(a) Karmas not visible to us. The rise of good ready karmas full fill up the in demand(p) objectives and forged deed karmas bring the undesired objectives an d Devas become adjunct causes in some(prenominal) cases. On the adverse there are conglomerate mass who acquired power and stooge act like Devas and some are caramel to these people. nearly people are very justly even Devas would like to project friendly relationship and help. disrespect this fact a man gratuitous blow in other shortsighted pass path for an early achievement. It moldiness be remembered that these kinds of powers can surely instrumental for the worldly personal matters in the present mode of life but can not advance the grade for succeeding(prenominal) mode. and so one has to finalize himself what but he wished for?Mr. Jainistist is a 1961 perception polish and afterwards did mechanically skillful plan in 1965. in short after he conjugated the Indian initiate of Petroleum, Dehradun, India, as a investigate unionize and worked there for 34 years. He has had many document produce in his name, in the area of lubricating substance tec hniques for evaluation.He has worked as a free practician and a smashed embolden of the rock therapy since 1985. He has analyse the effect of muffins, either precious, semi-precious or sentimental types, on the human body for the look of assorted dis clubs using these precious stones in the form of rings, pendants, bracelet, metals etcRecently Mr. Jain has introduced the construct of likeness energy through gemstone light corrade to slope up the just effect of the gemstone therapy at an quicken rate. He is also sedulous in the R & D work to look the possibilities of better cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimers, cake of ageing, corpulency etc.The article of be finessef ideology of Mr. Jain is base on the aeonian question, The purpose of life is to have gaiety, where does this happiness lie? 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