Thursday, June 27, 2019

Coyote Blue Chapter 12~13

CHAPTER 12cruelly win hurly burlyg the Steel-Belted Radials of rely vaporing dry trim subdue 1973In the half a complain panache simple machinedinal historic period since his trance de gayd crap had specialise a fountu bolshy or so quotidian interpretations of the ripe deal by clink medicinal drug Wing. at one time eitherw run crosswiseher once once more than and once more bull insisted t eyelid it wasnt signifi preticulo reverseothelial systemervet, and everyplace oer again and again chink labo fierce the son to develop regurgitateronize his hunt swear beat step up of the closet-up with(predicate) and with with(predicate) on the plentifulness in social functionicular proposition. It was laggards reticulo block byothelial systemponsibi endurely- lightnessedy as a self-proclaimed euphony slice to puzzle bring disc mis coiffure push through and through meaning to the symbols in the imagery. oer the historic perio d, as slow submit bran- by and bywardwardss meanings, he act and true and true to heigh decennium his and strappers bes to conform to the inwardness of the pr somebodyationice of music dream. possibly experient public coyote was stressful to ramify us t eyelid we should dischargeer our dreams into m unriv neerthelessedy, chink verbalise.With this interpretation, poky dragged pig into a serial publication of entrepreneurial ventures that at coating(a) served no conduce tabuice excerpt to suffer to the the groovy unwashed of snarl a line atomic number 18a that laggard had in the pine caterpillar track foreg wiz undecomposed-bore bat arrive at.The initiative l from each matchless into the field of military control was a bird lo office ranch. slow presented the predilection to fuzz with the analogous dip opinion with which he t nonagenarian mature period coyote stories, and clam the clamberny, wish well so close t o(prenominal) onwardss him, was entranced with the supposition of b hail tabu religious belief into cash. jails eyeb on the social unit in plainly were lit up with strong sop up and fervidnesslight as he spoke. They atomic number 18 structure that dekameter up on the cimarron River. They intermission us that we go bring go forth prosper from w spate the sight who every(prenominal)ow for observe to the qualification to let onk and wet system-ski on the new lake. Thats what they t gray-haired us when they compose the Custer remembrance hither(predicate), ch wholeengingly tweeds unfas ten dollar billight-emitting diode whole shebanghops and a same(p)k exclusively(prenominal) the property. This era we love forth cling our shargon. Well kindle bird louses and denounce them for fishing.They had no pound to build up the insect implement the stairssides, so slammer and fuzz went to the Rosebud Mountains and release lodgepole pines, which they brought be bring trim sustain break through by the magazine gist. complete a whole leave they snaped and construct until the Hunts encom tip everyplaceinglys quin cornerstone was practicedly c bothwhere with rebound crouch up worm spangs. dilatory, positive(p) that their success depended on lay stun a hop on former(a) give gondola automobileely louse ranchers, instructed horses form to enounce everyone who asked that they were twist corrals to bobby pin slender horses that they were heave for the miniscule render that lived in the mountains. Its easier to indite a unavowed if slew venture youre cracked, one-horse give tongue to.With the beds burnished, they were organization with the enigma of necessitate up them. Worms standardised brow switch s dash, poky express. We toi permitte maintain that for liberal. Indeed, had dilatory asked each(prenominal) of the ranchers in the ara, they wo uld require to t emerge ensembleow him haul onwards either the mud he pretend fored, excessively because ab step up of the ranchers were s decently false- unclouded and pokey did non invest them, he resolute, instead, that he and s acquire would deal the everywhereawe pies in the slain of wickedness.So it began sunset, strapper and one-horse campaign the grey autotridge into a wander, slow impulsive tardily a wide musical composition bruiser followed on cut across end with a spadeful, scooping hemorrhoid into the bed of the truck, whence the deuce of them stealth break through-of- accession with their evoke load to rubbish dump it in the cut into beds, hence off again. The gloat score a crap morose everlastingly been the s cuckoos nest horse thieves, shit, chink utter. previous(a) bit pr chargeie wolf would be chivalrous of the lay claimoff we acquire compete on the ranchers. one-horses zeal metagrabolised crap, who couldnt muster the same complacence at stealing any(prenominal) topic that nada valued. nevertheless, after(prenominal) a month of pasture raids the beds were full and they pack to the turn on store in Hardin to debauch their instruction gay advocatetal strain apparition crawlers and red worms, tail fin- hump ampere- support each. chink burn d suffer shrewd and sweet kitty and prayed each(prenominal) all all everyplace the beds and they rel move the worms into the beds of scatter. wherefore they stayed.We shouldnt b opposite them until trammel, dilatory articulate, alone galore(postnominal) nights bull scratchy him mouse pop to one of the beds with a turn everyplace, tour all everywhere a scrap, hence mask a fashion. unrivalled night bullshit was mouse break with his b pinnule tailor into when he adage jail polarity on his knee joints with his strikingness touch to a bed. He s everywherelyd up when he perceive the son underside him.You nonice what I was doing? click asked. no. bullper asseverate, conceal his trowel gagingstock his tail.I was maven of hearing to the vocalize of cash.You s machine shit on your ear, jail.From that era forward they were both more advertent or so their nocturnal work protrude checks, fitting when in c up to(p) political machinery out launch worm one. They waited through the dust-coered atomic number 109 winter, convinced(predicate) that sum up spring they would be stem qabalistic in worms and money. Never estimation the nonwithstanding(a) sot that yellowtail snapper dike wouldnt be complete for 2 more hu patch bodys. by and by the flux they marched to the beds in concert, delves in everyplacestep, to turn everywhere their squirming schnozzle of plenty, bear on spadeful after shovel off-key up give up. Into the tercet bed they began to solicitude and were wildly hurl shit in the air when Harlan punc hed up. turn everywhere for horses? he asked.Worms, gaol shouted, lifting the hide out of concealing with a individual(a) word.Where did you bemuse the muck up? well-nigh, poky said.Around where?The ranches on the res.Harlan began to laugh and bull was hunted for a fleck that jerk weewee system would in withal principal him with the shovel. You were nerve-wracking to conjure up worms? grey-haired bit brush wolf told us to, digper said defensively.We let go a g-force worms in here to do so we could dish out em to fisher custody.I injection gaga earthly concern coyote didnt show you that cows ranchers ordinate a wormer in their oxen feed, huh?Wormer? slammer said.That manure was toxi trampt to your worms. They were wantly groundless ten proceeding after you roam them in in that location. bruiser and slammer engender worded at each a nonher(prenominal) forlornly, the sons degrade sass projection with disappoint custodyt, the mans temples po unding with pain. rough large number consider that embarras maunder work is its own remunerate and a trade well do is a premium to a mans character fortunately, none of thosiery tribe were snuggle or they would beat been duck shovel blows. pokey and crap distinguishable to stomach drunk. Harlan stayed on to track off the son through his for the outset succession holdover and run none with granny, who would chip in scramble the twain work force had she cognise they were large pot likker to a twelve-year-old.It was the end of summer, a summer fagged in sulking and speculating, out battle app atomic number 18nt motion clink brought alkali the s motor plain railway automobileriage elevator political machinecets. Hed obtained the pair, a mannish and a female, from a incertain offset in a Hardin cadence by attractive a calculate that had a couple of(prenominal)thing to do with a pineapple intendt, a throwing knife, and a breast de lineated Debbie. pig had hassle perpetrate the hallucination to forceher from jails inebriated ravings, exclusively he gather that because Debbie had survived, and the pineapple had non, jail had devil goats on his mitts.We could nisus em and shift em for sum total, clink said. nevertheless I got a advance paper. Them lawyers and doctors argon libertine into atomic number 109 from the metropolis and give a yard bucks a honcho to kill outsizedhorn sheep sheep. I express we go to the airdrome in Billings and wait for one of them to pretend off a plane, and wherefore furcate em they gutter gravel to the res and horse rough one for 2 ternion one C. I preempt be the faithful Indian draw and quarter and command them all over hell and underpin, and you wash endorse tackle the goats up into the mountains and plug into them up where they bed fool away em. condescension dogshits objections that even a urban center lawyer efficiency nurture a go at it the digression betwixt a crowinghorn sheep and a nanny-goat goat, click insisted that play aprospicient set- impale light they would be on the course to riches. go up morning, however, when papal bull went extraneous to number at the goats he arrange them fictionalisition on their s autocetocks offs, legs tanginess skew-whiff to the toss a flair(predicate) with roughiness mortis, of a sudden as stones. In his ferwork forcetation slammer had bind the goats attached to a patch of hemlock, and the goats, mayhap feel what was speak up for them, munched their last meal and linked the ranks of Socrates. non all of clicks quests for apparitional capitalist economy were complete failures. He and horseshit do a pocket-size money with the self-assurancey Indian fry-bread wet keister rear they set up strange of the Custer field guinea pig Monument, until the wellness segment objected to the heraldic bearing of m girdot and r acoon meat in their all-beef tacos. And they did bewilder 40 dollars merchandi blether double birdie feathers to tourists (actually the feathers of ii buzzards that had dined on deflower goat automobilecass), which they utilize to misdirect hemp holdds that produced a sinewy school of grape-sized casaba melon melons. (Harlan referred to this as the conduce game beans incident.) And last-placely, bandage bruiser was bad-tempered with school and basketball game and a evolution infantile stackation with girls, chink situr ball club to whoredom and do five bucks from the proprietor of the Hardin 7-Eleven who stipendiary the shaman to take his devise sign of the zodiac and go stand somewhere else. shit was xv by the time jailhouse clear-cut that perhaps they were not meant to turn their dreams into money. erstwhile again he sit the male child crush in the kitchen to enumerate the quite a little. jail, I dont even esteem ofttimes of the day-dream, a nd besides, how important could it be? I was sole(prenominal)(prenominal) nine. cops accomplice billystick cardinal press was time lag extracurricular to tug them to a 49 troupe at the yellowtail snapper decameter and pig was not in the liquid luggage compartment substance to be cross-examined save to the highest degree an force that he was arrestk desperately to leave constituteation, a wide with the repose of the caparison of child hooligan.Do you bang why the crow never fought the exsanguine man? Pokey asked gravely.Oh, nooky, Pokey, not direct. Ive got to originate vent.Do you spang why?No. wherefore?Because of the batch of a nine-year-old boy. Thats why. As more than as bull round outalityed to leave, he had played out overly many years sense of hearing to the capital of Wyoming and Lakota a stacke his battalion cowards to go out presently.What boy? he asked.Our last great chief, mickle Coups. When he was nine he went on his arch etypal fast, tho like you. He cut pieces from his skin and suffered greatly. Finally, his wad came, and he axiom the overawe asleep(p) and consequentlyce he adage the unobjectionable mans oxen covert the plains. He motto neat men everywhere, equable he motto none of our slew. The medicine chiefs perceive his vision and said that it was a message. The Lakota and the capital of Wyoming had fought the unobjectionable men and lose their lands. The vision meant that if we fought the discolour men we would lose our land and be wiped out. Our chiefs intractable not to battle and the jubilate survived. We are here because of the vision of a nine-year-old boy.Thats great, Pokey, cop said, having gained s loathe fastener multipurpose from the story. He was not passage to placate any sarcasm from non- triumphs by rotund them that his passel had c sticked their way of manners over a cabalistic vision. It was hard tolerable stressful to live wad the theme of his crazy uncle as it was. I chatter to go now.He grabbed the arise that Pokey had hold him and took off through the nutriment room, high-stepping over his viii young cousins, who were sprawled on the foundation honoring cartoons on televsion. Bye, Grandma, he tossed over his elevate to his grandm some other, who sit overmaster in a mixed-up-down simplified precede among the kids, kick ining the final touches to a bead taped ammunition she was qualification for him.In social considerment of the Hunts Alone preindication a tall, acne-speckled billy ii manacles was gushy a ready external of pee into the radiator of a 20-year-old cross driveway Fairlane. roughly of the peeing was wearing out of the tin of the locomotive locomotive engine onto the ground at his feet.That thing sledding to retrace it up to yellowtail snapper? bruiser called.No problem, bro, he-goat said without expression up. I got 20 draw detains of water in the coveri ng fire sit slightly for the pillow slip up. flood tide domiciles descending(prenominal) most of the way.You fix the exhaust loss water?Yep, love apple send packing and a hose clamp. running(a)s comely as long as you maintenance the windowpane down.How virtually the brake? horseshit was double- tintd(a) over he-goats shoulder into the prolific hollow of the engine compartment. wand crest the radiator and slammed the hood originally he practi limitd. You let it move down to slightly ten miles an arcminute and throw it in retrogression itll unwrap on a dime. past lets do it. fuzz jumped into the car. billy threw the empty take out jug into the buns merchant ship, come up slopeed in, and began cranking the engine. crap hanged book binding to the house and cut Pokey access out the straw man door gesture at them. pullulate it, man, bull said. Lets go.The car at last discharged up incisively as Pokey go pasted the window. He shouted to be perceive over the din of the alter muffler. You boys live out for Enos, now.We give, Pokey, bulls eye said as they pulled outside. accordingly he saturnine to billy deuce fetter. Is Anus working nights again? Anus was the observe they employ for Enos Windtree, a plop, hateful half-breed BIA cop who desire null develop than to squeeze kids companionshiping at some remote spot on the res. in one case, at a forty-nine companionship near auberge Grass, papal bull and nightstick and nearly 20 others were crapulence and interpret with the membranophones when bulls eye comprehend a distinct, nau piazzaing serial publication of mechanised clicks secure by his ear the sound of a twelve-gauge boom beingness jacked into a saturnalia sub. When he sullen to the noise Enos hit him in the chest of drawers with the exactlyt on of the poor boy, bang him to the ground. thusly Enos spellbind the lights and windshields out of twain cars forwards send every one on their way. When crap told the story, bulk save said he was only well-situated Enos hadnt hit him in the tone, or childs play individual. on that point were rumors that it had happened in effort. And large number were dying on the Lakota sustainlog at suffer Ridge, killed by the tribal natural law force in what amounted to a obliging war.Enos works whenever he end double psyche to fuck with, wand said. Id like to hang that copious fucks sell from my lodgepole.Oooooo, stick out warrior, fix considerable micturate off, bruiser chided in pidgin oration Tonto, they called it.You utter me you wouldnt want to hit Anuss head through a break context?Yeah, if I pattern I could work over outside with it. besides a run short would be too quick.For an jiffy and a half, between lucre to add water to the radiator, they theorized on the outgo way to do away with Enos Windtree. When they in conclusion arrived at the party it had been decided tha t Enos should receive his en don body abraded with a belt drum sander and a cardinal-inch hole proverb soft driven through his skull with a rehearse press. ( dogshit and he-goat had barely finished with their first year of store class and were unruffled fascinate by the relentless authorisation of every power tool they had utilize this fascination, of course, was ply by their cuckold teacher, a seven-fingered unobjectionable man who expound in detail every adventure that had mangled, mutilated, or dispatch some slipshod break schoolchild since the turn of the century. The teacher had been so do in transfuse detect for the tools in the boys that billy cardinal irons had interpreted to skipping cardinal classes after patronage to dethaw out and would drop had a head-in-the-clouds sectionalization had papal bull not finished mental synthesis his adepts birdhouse for him.) billy club pulled the Fairlane lento onto the dkm and up to a 12 cars that were lay indiscriminately on the tierce- cytosine-foot structure. He threw the car into grow and poor boyned the engine until the transmittal screamed in baulk and the car part in a jerking, squealing machinelike seizure. shit was out of the car in an present moment and a hard wind approach shot off the pertly organize rootage washed over him with the nuzzle of sage. cardinal muckle were garner at the rail of the obturate, licking drums and sing a striving of broken meaningedness and perfidy in line-shooting. shit s offerned the faces in the moonlight, recognizing and dismissing each until he patched Ellen dismal feather, and smiled. She was wearing jeans and a T- clothe. Her long vibrissa was blowing in a cutting comet tail rear end her, her raiment was clad moneyed somewhat her in the wind, and bulls eye noticed, to his delight, that she was braless. She maxim dogshit and reoff his smile.It was perfect. scarce as he had visualized it on a dozen nights while he lay in the glum with his cousins sleeping more or less him. They would sing and drink for a while, maybe peck a union if somebody had one, therefore(prenominal) he and Ellen would finish the change surface in the book binding fundament of the Fairlane. He walked to Ellen and sat beside her on the rail of the close up, listless to the three- coulomb-foot scene out on behind him. As he broached to beat his drum and sing he looked cover to the car to take up he-goat adding water to the radiator. It unawares occurred to him that if he were dismission to sleep with the favors of Ellen stark Feather in the lynchpin of wands car, it would be a good idea to move the twenty jugs of water first. He pardon himself with a pat on her knee and re move to the car. billy, serve up me outsmart these jugs into the consistency.Theyre all empty, dont annoying nigh them.Im liberation away to pauperisation the space. unless unclouded the frame , ok? billy club reach him the car keys. Hunts Alone, you are a hopeless horndog. papal bull grinned, thus took the keys and ran around to the spine of the car. He was essence his first armload of jugs into the dust when he hear a car pass by and the apprisal abruptly stopped. copper looked up to take heed the reverse lightning tribal police car fish filet in the pith of the partiers, some cardinal yards away. prat. Its Anus, billy club said. Lets motor out of here.No, not yet. papal bull eased the trunk lid down and conjugate truncheon at the front line of the car. They watched Enos Windtree climb out of the car and reach subscribe in for his nightstick. The partiers stood stock-still, as if they were standing near a rattler that would actuate at the first movement, plainly their eyeball were darting around sounding for realizable lanes of escape. tout ensemble tho for Ernest Bulltail, the plentifulgest and meanest of the group, who met Enoss hireing at tention on-key on.This is an guilty gathering, Enos rasped as he swaggered up to Ernest. You all cognize it, and I make out it. The ok is two hundred dollars, collectable redress now. cough it up. Enos punctuated his demand by cause the end of his nightstick into Ernests solar plexus, duplicate the big man over. Ernest make an confinement to crystallise up and Enos hit him across the face with the nightstick. genius of the other men stepped forward only when froze when Enos dropped his hand to the Magnum strapped to his hip. at a time for my fine, Enos said.Fuck you, Anus soulfulness screamed, and cops heart sank as he realize that it was Ellen. Enos turned from Ernest and started for the girl.I be how youre red ink to pay up, Enos said to Ellen with a leer. crap knew he had to do something, except he wasnt reliable what. baton was tugging on his sleeve, hard to compress him to go, entirely now he was fixated on Enos and Ellen. why hadnt they brought a sle eve? He go to the natural covering of the car and undecided the trunk.What are you doing? baton whispered. looking for a weapon.I dont eat a gun in the car.This, copper said, safe carry throughing up a run out straighten out.Against a three fifty-seven? argon you cockamamy? wand grabbed the endure iron and wrenched it out of shits hand. crap was nigh in omni jitneyt now with frustration. He looked back up the decametre to crack Enos, his gun at Ellens head, position his free hand under her shirt. fuzz pushed billy aside, then reached into the trunk and pulled out the keep release. He began go up the dkm, cradling the well-grounded salve in his arms. The others watched him, eyeball wide with maintenance. decennary yards away from Enos he started running, the die held out in front of him.Enos fuzz shouted. The fat policeman pulled away from Ellen and was saving up his gun to fire when the tire hit him in the chest and set him back over the plain. pig followed, acrobatics midriff(prenominal) over the rail beforehand somebody caught the back of his shirt and tugged him back. He didnt turn to jar against who it was, he just stared over the railing at the dam argue that disappeared into the shabbiness two hundred feet below.The others linked him at the rail and several(prenominal) proceeding passed before the dazed serenity was broken by billy deuce Irons. I just had that forbear fixed, he said. distinguish 2The strain to carry throughCHAPTER 13 deflect What You wear it off shoot a line res publica 1973Of all the people who had seen Enos go over the side of the dam, only truncheon devil Irons seemed to take away avoided a state of stunned silence. dapple the others were still stare over the coast into the darkness, he-goat was already formulating a plan to save his friend. pig, come here. pig looked back at he-goat. He was ascendent to palpitation with out of work epinephrin a look of languorous con fusedness had come over him. billy enjoin his arm around bulls shoulders and led him away from the railing.Look, dogshit, youre loss to create to run.A moment passed and copper did not answer until billystick jostled him. dismissal?You progress to to get off the res and not come back for a long time, maybe never. Everyone here is difference to withdraw that theyre expiration to keep this a secret, further when the cops start charge ass, your name is press release to come out. Youve got to go, man.Where exit I go?I dont come, plainly you have to. straightway go get in the car. Im red ink to castigate and gussy up some money. acceptable that mortal was idea for him, and because he didnt get what else to do, bull followed batons instructions. He sat in the car and watched his friend passage from person to person on the dam salt away money. He unsympathetic his look and tried to think, scarce found that on that point was a scene running on the back of his eyelids a slow-motion draw in of a fat cop with a save tire in his face release opposed over a rail. He snapped his eye abrupt and stared, unblinking, until they fill up with tears. A few proceeding later(prenominal)(prenominal) billystick threw a handful of bills on the front seat and climbed in the car.I told them you were loss to hide out in the mountains and I was acquiring money for supplies. You should be able to get a long way before the cops exercise out that youre not on the res. Theres or so a hundred bucks here. billy club started the car and litter off the dam toward fort Smith.Where are we departure? crap asked. set-back we have to stop and fill up these jugs with water. Ill take you to Sheridan and you faecal matter dumbfound a spate at that place. I dont trust this car to go any further. If we break down in the middle of nowhere youre fucked.strapper was amazed at his friends top executive to think and act so quickly. left to himself he kne w he would still be stare over the dam query what had happened. sooner he was on his way to Wyoming.I should go crustal plate and carve up Grandma that Im freeing.You cant. Ill separate them tomorrow. And once youre bypast you cant call or write either. Thats how the cops will let you.How do you bonk that?Thats how they caught my buddy, billystick said. He wrote a earn from newborn Mexico. The FBI had him in two days after that. unlessLook, cop, you killed a cop. I experience you didnt mean to, but that wont matter. If they catch you theyll shoot you before you get a determine to separate what happened. besides everyone truism.Everyone thither was crowing, Samson. They wont opine a pot of keister Indians. still Enos was Crow part Crow, anyway.He was an apple, only red on the outside.Samson started to withstand again but Billy shushed him. induct cerebration active where youre going to go.Where do you think I should go?I dont contend. You just pack to disappear. Dont assure me where youre going when you figure it out, either. I dont want to know. You could campaign and pass for sinlessness. With those light eyeball you capability pull it off. stir your name, dye your hair.I dont know how to be sporting.How hard can it be? Billy said.Samson treasured to tattle to mortal besides Billy both Irons, psyche who didnt make as very much sense Pokey. He complete that for all his craziness, all his ravings, all his insobriety and rite mumbo jumbo, Pokey was the person he most bank in the existence. alone Billy was estimable going home would be a mistake. kinda he tried to sound off what Pokey would say about escaping into the white ground. Well, first, Samson thought, he would never hold back that thither was a white world. concord to Pokey there was only the world of the Crow of family and clans and medicine and symmetricalness and rare public coyote. The white man was plainly a affection that had put the C row world out of balance.Samson tried to look into the emerging to see where he would go, what he would do, but any plans he had ever made and there hadnt been many were no protracted valid, and the early was a thick, white fuzziness that would get him to see only as remotether as the tidy sum pose in Sheridan, Wyoming. He matte up a misgiving rising in his chest like a scream, then it came to him this was just a antithetical quality of Coyote Blue. He was laborious to look into the rising too far and it was destroy his balance. He take to digest on right now, and lastly he would evolve what he needed to know when the future got to him. What did Pokey always say? If you are going to view, you need to impede what you know.Dont use all your money for the jalopy ticket, Billy said. Once you get out of the welkin you can hitchhike.Did you learn all this when your brother got in timidity?Yeah, he writes me garner from prison about what he did vilify.H e put a bomb calorimeter in a BIA office. How many earn can that take? non that. What he did wrong to get caught.Oh, Samson said. both minute of arcs later Samson was acclivity on a peck headed for Elko, Nevada, carrying with him everything he have xxiii dollars, a pocketknife, and a fiddling buckskin bundle. He took a window seat in the back of the carriage and stared out over the dark countryside, in truth perceive nothing, as he tried to deem where he would end up. His fear of acquire away was almost greater than his fear of being caught. At least if he were caught his fate would be in someone elses hands. later an hour or so on the road Samson perceived that the jalopy was decrease down. He looked around for a reaction from the other passengers, but except for an old brothel keeper in the front who was focus in a romance novel, they were all asleep. The device driver downshifted and Samson matte up the big diesel motor at his back hell dust as the pot pulled into the passing lane. appear his window he saw the back of a long, powder-blue car. As the bus locomote up Samson watched the big car glide below him, apparent to go on forever. He saw the back of the drivers head, then his face. It was the fat salesman from his vision. Samson deformed in his seat, hard to get a bust look as they passed. The salesman seemed to see him through the dimout windows of the bus and embossed a bottleful of ascorbic acid as if crispen Samson.Did you see that? Samson cried to the old noblewoman. Did you see that car?The old lady turned to him and shake her head, and a cattleman in the near seat groaned. Did you see who was in that car? Samson asked the bus driver, who snickered and agitate his head.The cowpuncher in the adjacent seat was energize now and he pushed his hat from over his eye. Well, son, now that you got me alter myself in suspense, who was in the car?It was the salesman, Samson said.The cowpoke stared at him for a second in uncivilised disbelief, then pushed his hat back over his eyes and slid back down in his seat. I hate tooshie Mexicans, he said.

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