Sunday, August 25, 2019

World Literature Phase 4 DB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World Literature Phase 4 DB - Essay Example Other comparisons include the thought that sometimes the sun is too hot while his love is never unpleasant to be around, never too intense. In these types of comparisons, in which she is not like early summer nor like late summer, Shakespeare indicates that his subject exists in a space of time that doesn’t exist, neither shaken by rough winds nor too hot for comfort nor too short for summer. Despite this, he recognizes the short term period in which most beauty exists. The summer is too short to contain his love, but as time passes, â€Å"every fair from fair sometime declines, / By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed† (7-8). As much as her beauty seems timeless to him, Shakespeare is acknowledging that time cannot be held back for anyone and will eventually leave its trace upon her beauty. The second half of the poem begins to describe her in terms that seem to place her beyond the realm of the living, â€Å"But thy eternal summer shall not fade / Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st† (9-10), because time seems incapable of touching her. This idea is negated in the next line though, â€Å"Nor shall Death brag thou wand’rest in his shade† (11), making the reader begin to wonder just how this individual is to escape the inevitable progression of time to which the rest of the human race is subject. The only way t o preserve such a thing, Shakespeare reasons, is through poetry. â€Å"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee† (13-14). As long as someone is capable of reading his lines, the beauty of his love will remain unforgotten and unspoiled. Because of these wonderful images that portray the depth of affection felt for another, poetry remains inextricably linked with romance and the involvement of the imagination. Christopher Smart’s poem, â€Å"Jubilate Agno† is quite different from most poems because half of the lines all start with the word

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