Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sports and Entertainment Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sports and Entertainment Management - Case Study Example The most important part of this whole project was the redevelopment of East Village. People were beginning to be drawn away from East Village because they were running out of reasons to be there. The location was such that was once very lively but it had little left to attract local people and the visitors. This area required some serious redevelopment and its prayers were answered when Padres choose it for the construction of their new ballpark. It was the very first time that redevelopment was made integral part of a project in which a sports facility was being publicly financed. Further, the Padres made redevelopment a part of the Memorandum of Understanding in which they obtained the approval of public. This meant that even politicians were unable to disallow this project as they had to do what the people wanted. The road to success was not a smooth one for Padres. They had had to face many bumps in the form of oppositions and lawsuits by the people who had to relocate. The prota gonist of this case, John Moores, faced a very difficult time because of all the lawsuits and the delays. There was a two year delay in the construction in the area which was now known as the Ballpark District. Conditions had significantly changed in the two year period due to 9/11 and the bursting of the Internet Bubble. One of the setbacks was the departure of Larry Lucchino. Lucchino kept the people of San Diego, particularly the diehard baseball fans, involved in the process so that their support and sympathy was always with the team. This was very difficult to maintain as Lucchino left. Moores handled the matter with great patience and maturity. There were times when it felt like Moores might leave San Diego and take his team to another city. Instead, Moores kept his head poised in the game in which he was involved. He knew that the redevelopment of East Village was not only good for the area itself, but it was also the biggest argument in favour of his project. PETCO Park was an enormous success. From this experience, one can learn that there are always numerous extraneous circumstances that are to be accounted for while pursuing a project of such magnitude. No matter how careful one is, there is always a potential of oversight. ‘There is no such thing as a perfect research’. We can look at the experiences of others and we should learn from them. Similar mistakes must not be repeated. We can clearly see that Moores’ team selection was brilliant but not flawless. He made sure that the team that was working on this project was diverse. Therefore, everyone brought something new to the table. However, it was a slip by one of the team members that resulted in the allegations of corruption. Moores, of course, was not guilty but the two year delay was like a punishment for him too. A punishment for a wrong he did not commit himself, but one of his team members did. Perhaps, everyone else who was involved in the project also suffered greatly. But one tends to think that maybe Moores could have done something to avoid all of this. There might have been no corruption if the team members had a clear knowledge of their limits and boundaries. Moores could

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