Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Construction and Demolition Waste - 1015 Words

Briefing Paper: Construction and Demolition Waste Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a significant issue in New Zealand. Teo and Loosemore (2001) maintain: â€Å"Levels of waste within the construction industry need to be reduced for environmental and economic reasons. Changing peoples wasteful behaviour can make a significant contribution† (pp.741). This paper defines the CDW issue, significant stakeholders, relevant ethical theories and costs. CDW has increased as construction volumes have risen generally, and following natural disasters. For example, the Canterbury Earthquakes generated a major increase in CDW. â€Å"Major damage to buildings, rock falls and landslips, liquefaction and major infrastructure damage has left an estimated $7.1 billion [Earthquake Commission] EQC bill,† says Mackenzie (2011 pp.33). The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA, n.d.) estimated 8 million tonnes of CDW. CERA (n.d.) points to the construction industry and local authorities working together to find and quickly implement new solutions for recycling or reusing waste. More generally, Level Organisation (2013) noted that demolition and construction processes are the most significant producer of waste as opposed to other stages of buildings’ lives. Much CDW is seen to be preventable: â€Å"Most of this dumping of construction waste is unnecessary – it has been demonstrated that simply by sorting waste, at least half of it could be diverted from landfills† (Level Organisation, 2013).Show MoreRelatedConstruction And Demolition Wastes Measurment10292 Words   |  42 PagesChapter 6: Construction and Demolition Wastes measurment:(waste treatment and recycling) and Material flow of waste from construction and demolition sites to the Processes L, N, P, S, and V. 6.1 Solid Waste: This chapter focuses on left side(output) of Input-Output sheet(IOS) in residential projects in CH_IN.(table: 5-1) Construction and Demolition waste in short CD waste is a worldwide issue that concerns not only the construction activities on-site and managers but also the SD of construction industryRead MoreDestruction Planning For USAG-KA1005 Words   |  5 Pagespreconstruction and pre-demolition planning to minimize CD waste generation, facilitate appropriate handling during the project and ensure proper disposition of waste and recyclable materials. 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ABOUT 3. SCOPE OF WORK 4. SCHEDULE 5. REFERENCES Trent Construction Ltd. (hereinafter also referred to, as â€Å"Trent Construction†) is pleased to submit this construction proposal to Siemens Industrial Turbo Machinery Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as â€Å"Siemens†) for the Factory Office Proposal. â€Æ' 1. INTRODUCTION Office area for head office staff floor Area: 900m2 Warehouse / Loading area / Warehouse office: 2000m2 The planning conditions state the height of the proposed buildingRead MoreHealth And Safety Report On Demolition Project1271 Words   |  6 PagesHealth and Safety Report on Demolition Project Introduction Demolition process involves the dismantling of a building structure, part of the structure, destruction or refurbishment. Demolition work is a high-risk construction work and is characterized by a broad range of highly hazardous environment (Awodele et al., 2014). 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The trees, flowers, grass and more are all doomed because all our favorite big companies are hiring architects and construction workers to come build their massive factories. They are harming every single plant and tree in that area. Construction workers regularly use materials like steel, brick, metal, mezzanine, and purlin. These materials may be very useful when it comes to building a sturdy structure, but they are also unsustainableRead MoreBenefits Of Recycling Of Construction Materials1903 Words   |  8 PagesExecutive Summary Recycling of construction materials is a practice that is becoming a necessity in the industry. Aside from the legal and environmental reasons for recycling, it is also usually much cheaper to recycle jobsite wastes than it is to dispose of them into our nations landfills. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

“My Personal Tutor” A Software For Children Free Essays

Choosing educational software for children is certainly not an easy task. Because so many options are available, it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the vividly colored packages, the intriguing characters, and fantastic claims of academic enhancements. How in the world does one actually choose? Fortunately, all is not lost. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"My Personal Tutor† : A Software For Children or any similar topic only for you Order Now A software package is available, which truly encompasses those qualities, and does so without assaulting the purchaser†s pocketbook. My Personal Tutor by Microsoft, is a budget sensitive, educational enhancement package for children, with exciting graphics and an incredible academic framework. For this reason, a recent review of this program stated that â€Å"Microsoft has made a great contribution to children†s learning† (Dr. Toy). In fact, My Personal Tutor is the best choice of children†s educational software. The activities in My Personal Tutor facilitate learning in vital academic disciplines. Because of the technological advancement of our society, today†s students require more strength in critical thinking, reading, and math skills than ever before. This three CD set is dedicated to enhancing skills in those areas. For example, in Turru†s Sea Quest, the student further develops thinking skills in order to advance through the game format. By solving unfinished sentences, analyzing and completing number or shape patterns, challenging memory with matching, and matching analog compared to digital time, the child assists Captain Scratch in setting free the endangered sea creatures. In another CD, Sam†s Hide Seek, the child strengthens reading skills in a virtual museum, with six separate rooms where the child plays interactive word games or reads stories in order to help Sam find his friends. However, the word games are not simple mindless entertainment. For instance, by solving incomplete sentences a story emerges. During this process, an amusing, vividly colored picture is painted depicting the story the child is creating. In another challenging exercise, the student reads stories and answers questions relating to the story content in order to gain points, thereby fostering comprehension. Finally, in a third CD, the child†s world becomes an incredible space station where the goal is to help a new friend, Spy, capture alien stowaways. In Spy†s Space Station, traditional math of the past is transformed into exciting activities, which virtually hold the child hostage with interest. To illustrate, in the Astro Disco, one of the six areas in the space station, the dancers are victims to zero gravity. The student†s job is to fit the helpless dancers with the proper number of gravity boots, so they may come down from the ceiling. Once the task is complete, the appreciative dancers take the floor, performing an exciting dance for their rescuer. In a different area, the student may choose to solve currency equations in order to purchase clothing for the undercover alien police. What†s more, in yet another area, the child recycles space junk by sorting according to greater than, equal to, or less than, in order to make tools needed for the station. Although the academic tutorials within this set are comprehensive and truly without compare, the overall success of this set lies in its ability to captivate and sustain the student†s attention. Through well-designed game objectives, My Personal Tutor generates long term interest. All the activities are designed as a means to an end, regardless of whether that end is setting free endangered sea creatures, finding hidden friends in a museum, or catching alien stowaways on a space station. The goals are met methodically, through a sense of teamwork with the lively characters in their respective worlds. The interactive characters are encouraging throughout the challenge, supporting the player, and encouraging him or her to continue. After the player has met a goal, an exciting celebration takes place. Even more, if the child has permission, he or she can print a colorful picture as a memento of the success. Irrespective of the shower of accolades by children, parents too have many reasons for excitement about this set. Parents can feel confident that the purchase of this set is a cost-effective enhancement to the child†s education, as well as an excellent source of reinforcement for vital social skills. The price of $14. 95, after the rebate, is trivial in comparison to all that is included in this set. In fact, with more than 1000 multimedia tutorials, over 70 learning objectives, adjustable levels of difficulty, and ongoing progress reports (Microsoft Kids), justifying a price of even five times that amount would be easy. However, educational enhancement is not the only quality this set encompasses. Many implicit lessons are delicately woven into the activities. Specifically, setting and methodically working toward a goal. In fact, every activity within this set is goal oriented. In addition, the ideal of working together is effectively designed within all the game formats. In other words, this set truly encompasses the full range of essential skills necessary for success in the first and second grade levels. Therefore, My Personal Tutor surpasses the parent†s expectations for an educational enhancement program. A common goal among parents is that their child be healthy, happy, and ultimately reach his or her maximum potential. It is believed that a sound education will help open doors in order for that dream to become a reality. To that end, parents often devote much time and effort to improving the quality of their child†s education. Therefore, it is understandable for a parent to have high expectations of an educational enhancement program purchased for their child. My Personal Tutor fulfills even the highest of such expectations. My Personal Tutor provides an incredibly comprehensive academic framework, consisting of strengthening exercises in critical thinking, reading, and math skills. These tutorials are skillfully designed in such a manner as to reframe the concept of such disciplines. Through the activities in this set, exercises in math, reading, and critical thinking are transformed from drudgery into a mission filled with fun and excitement, where the child works with others in order to meet a goal. What more could a parent ask for? For this reason, My Personal Tutor by Microsoft is the best choice of children†s educational enhancement software. How to cite â€Å"My Personal Tutor† : A Software For Children, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Project Report for Mba free essay sample

Distribution and sell in IT product 9. Market analysis promotional scheme of agro product 10. Market Development for High Performance Computing 11. Market Mapping Study Of Domestic Air Purifiers In India 12. Market Research Analysis into the Pneumatic Tools Industry 13. Market Research For Frozen Peas in Pun City 14. Marketing research for ERP system in school 15. Revising Marketing Strategy for the Brand Green Magic 16. Secondary research on RIFF market in Indian industries 17. Selling Marketing of Lips 18. Study of Consumer Perception on Different Brands of LCD ; LED 19. Study of customer responses towards financial products and selling financial product 20. Study of Integrated solution for pharmaceutical industry ; identification of potential key accounts 21 . Study of market potential of Wigmaker along with Hp plotters engineering and civil sector of Pun 22. Study of the scope of expansion of HOST 23. The study of best car in sedan segment 24. To find market potential for the software Sharpening 2010 25. To study the effective mass media promotion for Bastards Business 26. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Report for Mba or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To study the popularity of apparel brand among youth(males) 27. To study users behavior towards mobile advertising

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Pressing Play to a New Playlist free essay sample

The smell of Korean barbeque permeates my nose as I attempt to perform a Bollywood dance on the sidewalk. I cross the street to my local bakery as my ears are filled with French melodies from La Vie En Rose. My iTunes playlist waits patiently in my palm as I decide which country to visit next. Shuffle. The serene sound of classical Italian tunes serenade my ears and I instantly find myself in an elegant gondola, drifting down the Grand Canal. My imagination can often get the best of me. Imagining diversity is the only thing I can achieve when growing up in a town that is predominantly Caucasian. Though I have been attending the same school and living day to day with the same people since preschool, I have always considered myself overtly different from my peers. While they would listen to the Backstreet Boys, my ears would be enchanted by the foreign melodies of China, Cambodia, and Vietnam. We will write a custom essay sample on Pressing Play to a New Playlist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While my friends would go home to pizzas and steaks, a traditional bowl of hot and sour catfish soup would be waiting for me on my dining room table. Peers look at my life with curiosity but I view it with great appreciation. The plethora of cultures in my life has contributed significantly to my ability to view situations with different perspectives. My multi-Asian background along with my participation in global service projects have both helped to expand my ability to understand and discuss the development of humanity and its cultures in an insightful way. Traveling to El Salvador in 2011 with my Project Humanitarian Involvement group was the first time I realized I was capable of changing the world. I accomplished wonders in El Salvador and I built lasting relationships with the amigos I made there. Seeing the power of simple deeds being accomplished, such as building homes, change so many lives made me wonder, â€Å"If I can build a home to transform a life in El Salvador†¦what else can I do? And where†? As I press play to a new playlist in my life, I plan on further immersing myself into different communities and cultures of the world by focusing on international relations. I hope to surround myself with individuals from different cultures who will help me challenge and develop my own beliefs about myself and the changing world. I also plan to further advance my Spanish studies and improve my literary skills in Chinese and Vietnamese. My aspiration of learning languages is not only driven by my passion for seeking diversity, but also by the fact that I do not know where the shuffle setting in my life will take me. An amazing aspect of the shuffle setting on my iPod is that I never know what song to expect next. I do not know what extraordinary things my education will lead me to accomplish or what wondrous lands I will set foot in, but I do know that I am ready to escape this little peninsula that I call home and embark on new adventures into the world. I hope to encounter new experiences every day and that the shuffle setting in my life never ceases to quench my thirst for diversity. My expectation for my future is that there will no longer be a need to imagine myself riding on a gondola or hearing Bollywood music from my headphones. I am ready to turn the shuffle setting off on my iPod, and on in my life.