Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Construction and Demolition Waste - 1015 Words

Briefing Paper: Construction and Demolition Waste Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a significant issue in New Zealand. Teo and Loosemore (2001) maintain: â€Å"Levels of waste within the construction industry need to be reduced for environmental and economic reasons. Changing peoples wasteful behaviour can make a significant contribution† (pp.741). This paper defines the CDW issue, significant stakeholders, relevant ethical theories and costs. CDW has increased as construction volumes have risen generally, and following natural disasters. For example, the Canterbury Earthquakes generated a major increase in CDW. â€Å"Major damage to buildings, rock falls and landslips, liquefaction and major infrastructure damage has left an estimated $7.1 billion [Earthquake Commission] EQC bill,† says Mackenzie (2011 pp.33). The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA, n.d.) estimated 8 million tonnes of CDW. CERA (n.d.) points to the construction industry and local authorities working together to find and quickly implement new solutions for recycling or reusing waste. More generally, Level Organisation (2013) noted that demolition and construction processes are the most significant producer of waste as opposed to other stages of buildings’ lives. Much CDW is seen to be preventable: â€Å"Most of this dumping of construction waste is unnecessary – it has been demonstrated that simply by sorting waste, at least half of it could be diverted from landfills† (Level Organisation, 2013).Show MoreRelatedConstruction And Demolition Wastes Measurment10292 Words   |  42 PagesChapter 6: Construction and Demolition Wastes measurment:(waste treatment and recycling) and Material flow of waste from construction and demolition sites to the Processes L, N, P, S, and V. 6.1 Solid Waste: This chapter focuses on left side(output) of Input-Output sheet(IOS) in residential projects in CH_IN.(table: 5-1) Construction and Demolition waste in short CD waste is a worldwide issue that concerns not only the construction activities on-site and managers but also the SD of construction industryRead MoreDestruction Planning For USAG-KA1005 Words   |  5 Pagespreconstruction and pre-demolition planning to minimize CD waste generation, facilitate appropriate handling during the project and ensure proper disposition of waste and recyclable materials. 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