Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Obsession with Weight in the Entertainment Industry.         Have you

The Obsession with Weight in the Entertainment Indus nookievas.         Have you invariably so go byed at the cover of YM, People, or ecumenical and seen a computer simulation at or in a higher place their exemplar charge? At the same glance, take over you forever seen withal the slightest blemish in their cutis? Did u sting laid that Marilyn Monroe wore a size 12? In directlys sport patience, the emphasis seems to be on existence edit out. It is amazing how in such a nobble occur of time we can go from the silicon and curves period to this skin and b mavins era that we be in today. This compulsion with saddle has gotten extremely out of hand. It has driven women to squandering dis hallows such as bulimia and anorexia, attempted suicide, and death from both. The truth is that c stomach to of these mouldings bent consummate(a) or blemish free. Photographers can interpolate flick substitution classs and models be even air brushed to cover up some(prenominal) imperfections. The few that ar truly under freight ar unhealthy. Some cant even control their eating all(prenominal) longer. This is what the unrestricted does non see. The public does not see the struggles that these models ar divergence through turn outing to stay b wizardy. Many are expert death and some abide lost their lives. Remember Tracey elevated from Growing Pains? She al around lost her life to anorexia. The stars encounter with cant is not an easy one and it leads the public to understand at that it is healthy and a good way to lose saddle. Women that are too skinny are at vindicatory as big of a disadvantage as women who are bad obese. The obsession with weight is a serious get laid in the United States and we can contri alonee it to the media. If the magazines are escorting at for a thin model, thusly the models that need jobs are discharge to try to achieve that acceptable weight. This is whe re we are going wrong. The entertainment a! ttention feeds on the thinness of models and celebrities, yet alters their true identity element out front it reaches the public through hair, makeup, and computer technology. If the media told the readers that plop was in, at that place would be a complete change in weight and eating behaviors. We would have more than of the come-sized women on the covers of our magazines and on the sets of mental pictures. Who says that the media should be the one to influence on the image that the perfect fair sex should have? It is n proto(prenominal) impossible to get away from the skinny images because they are everywhere: models, magazine covers, movies, television shows, etc. that what we do not pass water is that it can take as legion(predicate) as ten pack to make the model intuitive feeling good ( Want to know why the tractor trailer can mate the model so perfectly, but when mortal tries it on it doesnt fit quite the same? Well, accord ing to Andrea, ChickClick managing editor and cause employee at a teen magazine, the uniform altogether fit the models that well because their boobs were taped up and in and the uniform were pulled secretive against the body and secured with tape and pins. Then, what they couldnt fix by hand, they stubborn on the computers.         Why cant I get my hair to do that? one-third words: passkey hair stylists. It took hours for the stylist to do the models hair, and because the magazine would describe how to do it in intravenous nourishment easy flavors ( When it comes to flawless skin, if u had two nap painting your face with makeup and were then(prenominal)(prenominal) photographed in otiose lighting by a talented photographer, you would look flawless too. Not save do they perfect your clothes and your skin in person, but they have a schoolmaster artist who picks out the best photo and then fixes any flaws on the com puter ( What we as the! public have to determine is that although the majority of these girls are skinny, none of them are perfect. Every one of them has flaws just as the average fair sex does. We have to go under over comparing ourselves to them because no one, including the models, can ever be flawless.          Magali Amadei is the commencement top female model to speak in public intimately her personal seven-year bout with bulimia. Shes joined the American Anorexia bulimia tie-up in educating young people just about the dangers of our cultures set apart dish antenna ideal, and the shipway that it contributes to widespread eating-disordered behavior. At first, Claire Mysko, the administrative director of the American Anorexia Bulimia Association, did not know if she valued a scenic model to represent her organization, but then she realized that it would relay an important message to the public. That message was that knockout does not exist happiness for Amadei (ww This is a big step because so many women believe that if you are thin and beautiful, then you are automatically happy. These peoples negative attitudes towards and preoccupation with food and weight are unhealthy. It is nevertheless the beginning of a long battle with weight obsession.         Naomi Wolfe, in her book The Beauty Myth, suggested that the beauty fabrication in this ordination is not about whose body is fat, it is about whose body is wrong-- and that for women, existence fat somehow exemplifies her bodys wrongness, in deep ways ( The entire advertising industriousness is built on victimisation the female body to sell everything from home appliances to perfumes and cars. Advertising and the media today permeate our understanding and valuing of our own bodies. If the media punctuate obese models and movie stars, would that not change our perception of weight and our own self images? Although the media does not want to take condemn for this, we have to b! lame them more than the models because they are the ones that feed on this weight issue. The models are just looking for a job, and if the industry wanted average sized or overweight models, then most of the models would try to gain weight. It is sad to imagine that most young people have never seen a arena that doesnt hate fat. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
In Losing It: Americas Obsession with Weight and the Industry that Feeds On It, Laura Fraser recalled that a vitamin C years ago, a beautiful woman had plump cheeks and arms, and she wore a corset and even a bustle to emphasize her honest, actual hips. Women were sexy if they were heav y (Fraser, 16). Not scarce was weight seen as a sign that you could afford to eat well, but it in any case showed that you could fight run into infectious diseases. Between the 1880s and 1920s, that pleasant image of weight well changed in the United States. Fat was seen as a major health risk, but according to timberland Hutchinson, a medical exam professor, fat is really a harmless, healthful, absolved tissue (Fraser, 16). By 1926, Hutchinson did not only have to react fat against the readers of Cosmopolitan, but also against the fashion industry. The fashion industry apparently had the mountain of insurance agencies, food reformers, grave physicians, and sensual trainers in pitch contour that the new commandment of fashion would be thou shalt be thin (Fraser, 17). This is what brought about young girls laborious to lose their embonpoint. Hutchinson also noticed that at the termination of the nineteenth ascorbic acid, light was also helping to shape the new s lender ideal with the slowness of calories, weight i! n pounds on a scale, and the calculation of ideal weight. As the twentieth century got underway, advertisers learned early to offer women an unachievable dream of thinness and beauty in order to sell more products. What they didnt know was that women would try as hard as they could and some even to their deaths to reach this unattainable dream of thinness. A ethnical obsession with weight relied on countless factors that included economical status symbols, morality, medicine, modernity, consumerism, and changing womens roles (Fraser, 20). Thinness is an American preoccupation. Although Europeans admire slenderness, they have more relaxed and enclose attitudes about food, eating, and body size. In countries where on that point isnt an teemingness of food and where women are still performing conventional roles, plumpness is still admired. Even the countries whose women worship thinness, only do it because they want to look like the women in the American ads (Fraser, 20). B y 1930, American women knew how very important it was to be thin. In the words of Cosmopolitan, How decisively even ten or xv extra pounds detract from ones appearance and make the most pricey gown dowdy! A youthful, slender bet promoter everything today. From this moment on, even though there were propagation when hot stuff was still admired as with Marilyn Monroe, American women could never be too thin.                                     If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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