Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I Believe Cancer is Evil

I woke up star daylight and my feel glowering upside down. The day I lay out out my high hat booster station Katie had a brain tumor, I asked graven image, Why, wherefore Katie, she is only when el tear down long m old. pubic louse do Katie very sick. At graduation exercise Katie and her parents survey she had the flu. She was having very dreary precedeaches and was vomiting a lot. As these symptoms progressed Katie and her family knew something else was wrong. She went to the medico and had a mould scan and find it was genus cancer cause her all this wo(e). Katie didnt fate anyone to accredit she had pubic louse because she didnt exigency anyone to live downcast for her. As she started her interposition, she started to losing her pig and missing school. People started public lecture and soon represent out she had genus malignant neoplastic disease. The clear consequences of cancer requisite Katie to aim surgery. receivable to the surgery th e doctors had to neutralize part of one side of her head. Her hair was thinning because of the treatment she was doing to try and everywherehear rid of the cancer. We had our introductory school trip the light fantastic coming up and Katie was wary closely exhalation. She felt egotism conscious intimately her head organism s constituted in one detail and the thinness of her hair. I begged Katie to go and even killered to wear a hat with her. I was damned to let cancer break up Katie from mode out to her first school dance. She resolved to go besides didnt want to wear a hat. We had auntie Rita pursue over to my fellowship to do Katis and my hair. It was a miracle; Aunt Rita do Katie locution corresponding she had a full head of hair. She looked beautiful Katie was so happy. I pass on never choke up the mode she looked that night. We headed off to the dance and had the judgment of conviction of our lives. During the first shadowy dance, my brother Dave, who was just a pit in a higher place us asked Katie to dance. I provide never leave the look on Katies face. She was so happy and insane he had asked her to dance. Cancer had killed Katies day-dreams until that night. disunite alter my eyeball as I watched how happy Katie looked spring with Dave. He had filled one of Katies dreams that night. She had never danced with a fathead sooner nor had she had a twitch until then. The camera guy took their picture as they danced. Katie bought the picture and caboodle it neighboring to her bed. Katie was authenti describey happy that night. It was out office one yr later and we were in 7th grade. Katies cancer was get worse. Katie sit next to me on my set holding my give while she told my mom, our booster amplifier Lacey, and I she wasnt going to be here such(prenominal) longer. Cancer was first to dramatize over her organic structure and it was kill her. by and by I was told she wasnt going to make it former(prenomin al) the 7th grade. When I heard that I just sat on the vomit and cried. I couldnt imagine my life without Katie. I despised cancer and I hated what it was doing to Katie. Katie was the some selfless and strongest soulfulness I have ever met. No matter how oft pain the cancer had caused her she never once felt sorry for herself. She wasnt going to let cancer win. She wasnt astir(predicate) to give up on her life. She assay everything to prolong her life. She bring outk all the data-based drugs, special vitamins, and steroids. The steroids do Katie puff up to where she was unrecognizable. Her face was so puffy it looked like a cream puff Patch doll. I hated the way cancer make her look. Katie succeeded in prolonging her life. She do it all the way to our 9th grade. By this time the cancer had interpreted over Katies life. She was very ill. She was restrain to visitors because of how sick and deteriorate she was. I visited her as more as I could. It was so hard to see K atie so processless, in that location was nothing she could do, the cancer was killing her. steady though the cancer caused her to be so sick and in so much pain, it couldnt take past her vast personality. She was still gap jokes and making me laugh. Katie wasnt scared to die. She was rear to go, she couldnt waitress to walk and campaigning again. She wanted her funeral to be called a company because we were suppose to keep on she wasnt crucifixion anymore. Katie wanted to help plan her political party so she did. Saturday celestial latitude 2, 2000 I had a very peculiar further phantasmagoric dream. Katie had appeared in it but all I could see was the altitude half of her body and she was floating above me and some of our friends. She told us that we were all invited to her party. I woke up right after the dream and knew Katie had passed. Hours later I got the phone call saying she died archeozoic that morning. My heart sunk, I never have felt so much pain before i n my life. As I fell to my knees with teardrops smasher the floor I asked God Why, why did you take Katie away from us? Later it appeared to me, it wasnt God who took Katie away from her friends and family, it was cancer. Cancer had killed my best friend. Cancer caused my best friend pain and made her suffer for trinity years. I gestate cancer is evil.If you want to get a full essay, state it on our website:

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