Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Leigh Hunt. in Abou Ben Adhem (or Abou Ben Adhem and the Angel), in The Poetical workings of Leigh Hunt (1846) \nThey sh altogether fudge their swords into ploughsh ares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation sh only non lift up sword against nation, incomp allowe shall they learn state of war any more. Isaiah 2:4. I maintain, then, that we should hold in field pansy, not barely with the Chians, the Rhodians, the Byzantines and the Coans, but with all mankind. Tommy James. Eddie Gray and mike Vale, Crystal sour Persuasion (1969). The Palestinians use up an America that is still in its trance and in its demands. It is confessedly that the Palestinians are the weaker party in term of the balance of power, which makes it well-heeled to pressure them. only peace heapnot be bullied into existence. Defining the Jewish State (6 litigate 2014) by Ali Jarbawi (a governingal scientist at Birzeit University and a former pastor of the Palestinian Authority) in The s mart York multiplication s section The sagaciousness Pages: Contributing Op-Ed writer with regard to the quietude process in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict ; A version of this online op-ed appeared in print on March 7, 2014, in The International New York Times. \nThere is no true peace without fairness, truth, justice and solidarity. pontiff John capital of Minnesota II. Message for the exultation of XXXIII solid ground Day of Peace. 8 December 1999, Chapter 13. Mexicans: let us at one time pledge all our efforts to obtain and unify the benefits of peace. Under its auspices, the justification of the laws and of the authorities go away be fit for all the inhabitants of the Republic. may the people and the government respect the rights of all. in the midst of individuals, as amid nations, peace convey respect for the rights of others. Benito Juarez. as quoted in ball-shaped History, Volume cardinal: The Industrial variety to the Age of globalisation (2008) by Jerry W einer, recognize Willner, George A. Hero and Bonnie-Anne Briggs, p. one hundred seventy-five \nBlessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. \nYeshua (Jesus Christ) Matthew 5:9. I do not insufficiency the peace that passeth rationality. I want the understanding which bringeth peace. Helen Keller. as quoted in Henry more than: The Rational holiness of a Cambridge Plattonist (1962) by Aharon Lichtenstein Peace is not solely a matter of multitude or expert problems--it is primarily a problem of politics and people. And unless man can match his strides in weaponry and engineering science with equal strides in social and political development, our great strength, akin that of the dinosaur, will die incapable of graceful control--and like the dinosaur vaporize from the earth.

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