Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility of McDonalds Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibility of McDonalds - Assignment Example The paper tells that corporate social responsibility includes a variety of tactics such as environmental, philanthropic and ethical. A new field of corporate social responsibility has emerged that encourages companies or organization to take steps and initiatives in the interest of all stakeholders. The public or consumers are also considered stakeholders and hence the organization should create a balance between the interests of both stake shareholders. McDonald's is the leading international fast food retailer which is spread over 36,000 locations and serves approximately 69 million customers in 100 countries daily. Most of the McDonalds branches are run by independent businessman and women. The success of the company’s success is the system which aligns the franchises and supplies. By the implementation of this system, McDonald's was able to satisfy the customers with what they wanted. This system also allows local customization of the product. McDonald's focuses on three p riorities for the optimization of its menu; to modernize the consumer’s experience, to increase accessibility to McDonald's with convenience and to optimize the menu. McDonald's plan to win strategy focuses on people, product, place, price, and promotion in order to increase the customers experience regarding McDonald's. McDonald's is considered to possess the largest framework when the subject of CSR is discussed. Their motto of CSR â€Å"responsible food for a sustainable future† outlines their social responsibilities. A board of directors is responsible for keeping McDonald's up to the standards that are being guaranteed to their stakeholders. The first step taken by this board of directors was to create a code of conduct in order to ensure that every supplier follows this code of conduct. This agreement is then signed by the suppliers. McDonald's also considers the three E’s that is ethical responsibility, environmental responsibility, and economic responsib ility. This serves as the vision for the supply chain management.

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