Monday, October 7, 2019

Cultural Diversity and a Crucial Aspect of the Contemporary World Research Paper

Cultural Diversity and a Crucial Aspect of the Contemporary World - Research Paper Example History has taken diverse and dynamic turns over time, leading to the realization of civilized states. After slavery times and embracement of human rights and freedoms, little is openly known about societies that have kept their customs and traditions. The living traditions in the 21st Century became the aiding factors in making my decision. While my decision appears abstract to friends and family, cultural diversity remains to be a rich source of cultural information. Even in the United States, Native Americans still hold to their historical customs and traditions, yet only a few Americans can tell who exactly is a Native American. On the same note, Chinese, Italians, Mexicans among other communities live in the United States and continue to observe their homeland cultures. Moreover, immigration has led to massive movement and interaction of international communities across local, regional and international borders. While has become a persistent practice, little is accounted for the underlying diversity. In this regard, deciding to embrace cultural diversity, and further dedicate my time and personality to learning more about other cultures and communities was an important decision in my life. This decision has basically taken an interest that most people do not, placing me at a better position to understand cultural differentials and the underlying diversity. My decision to embrace cultural diversity in terms of culture, race and ethnicity has further aided my understanding of cultural behaviours exhibited across borders. Customs, traditions and beliefs vary, and so are the views, opinions and reactions of people in these different cultures.

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