Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Agricultural Revolution

AP Euro 1 January 2012 Question 1 The country transformation, originating in the wretched countries of Europe, in the eighteenth century proved to be a major(ip) developing point in history in terms of leading to other significant societal developments. The coarse novelty take to a chain reaction of plaints. During this date methods of horticulture advanced, adjoin crop growth by more than 50 percent, which lead to a existence increase in Europe. This population increase brought a greater demand for goods, which in turn lastly direct to the industrial diversity. there was a half overwhelm effect- trades in agriculture led to changes in population which led to changes in demand for goods, which led to industrial innovations. Before the agricultural revolution began, the basic method for country was the open-field system of articulation bring oning. In this system, the farmland, consisting of long, narrow, open strips, was divided among village me mbers to be cultivated. There was a problem with this way of farming beca intention in conclusion the blur lost its nutrients from continuous use, and crops would not grow as well. So, the unbroken field system was developed which involved let the field lay fallow, or unuse, for a certain period of time to regain nutrients. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The next improvement or change came with crops equal turnips, and the newly introduced potato. These both provided different nutrients to the soil, which allowed continuous use course of instruction after year, as long as these crops were rotated. Thus began the method of crop rotat ion and the agricultural revolution was full! y born. abutting farmers organized and consolidated their efforts enclosing their field with fences making farming more efficient and productive. These practices allowed yet even more crops to be grown. With more food available raft began to raise farm animals because they had food to feed the animals, which meant more nitty-gritty and manure. The meat provided a more diverse diet, and the manure was used for...If you want to lounge about a full essay, format it on our website:

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