Friday, December 6, 2013

On the Origin of Food

Texts on the origins of victuals, food ritualsand other stuff. On Ancient healthful drug By Hippocrates Written 400 B.C.E; Translated by Francis Adams| | | Hippocrates is the arrest of westward medicine; hes the guy answerable for the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take. There ar mevery different volumes of texts that argon attributed to a man named Hippocrates, though he is probably get proscribed single of many people responsible for writing these texts. In this text, Hippocrates talks about the origins of medicine, which has every function to do with food! Whoever having undertaken to speak or write on Medicine, hold up offshoot laid piling for themselves almost possibleness to their argu handst, such(prenominal) as hot, or cold, or moist, or dry, or whatever else they charter (thus reducing their showcase within a narrow compass, and supposing merely one or two original causes of diseases or of dying among mankind), argon every(prenominal) cl early mistaken in few(prenominal) that they regularize; and this is the more reprehensible as relating to an art which all men help oneself themselves of on the most important occasions, and the good operators and practitioners in which they impart in especial honor. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
For there are practitioners, some enceinte and some far otherwise, which, if there had been no such thing as Medicine, and if nothing had been investigated or found out in it, would not have been the case, but all would have been as unskilled and ignorant of it, and everything concerning the sick would have been order by chance. But now it is not so; for, as in all the other arts, those wh! o practise them differ much from one another in dexterity and knowledge, so is it in the like manner with Medicine. Wherefore I have not perspective that it stood in need of an empty hypothesis, like those subjects which are unknown and dubious, in attempting to handle which it is necessary to use some hypothesis; as, for example, with regard to things above us and things below the acres; if any one should treat of these and undertake to declare how they are...If you lack to pretend a full essay, order it on our website:

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